How Difficult is it to Get a Good GMAT Score?

How Difficult is it to Get a Good GMAT Score?

14 Mar, 2019

Often, this is really the question people are asking when they ask, “How hard is the GMAT?”  Sure, any slob can waltz into the GMAT exam with no preparation, do shoddy work, and get an abysmal score without much effort. The GMAT is relatively easy if you simply don’t care how you do. But what if you do care? Then how hard is the GMAT? This is the “it depends …” part. To answer that question, it helps to know how others score, and where your score stands.


1. The average score on the GMAT (the numerical mean of everyone who takes the test) is 556.

2. Only 25% of GMAT takers score over 650, and only 12% cross that magical 700 threshold. Something above 700 is generally what folks have in mind when they consider a “good” GMAT score.

3. If you regularly score in the 99th percentile of standardized tests, then getting over a 700 on the GMAT shouldn’t be too difficult with moderate preparation.

4. If you regularly flub standardized tests, then acing the GMAT will be that much more difficult.

5. To get a rough idea of your starting point, take the Magoosh GMAT Diagnostic Test.

6. If you’re taking practice tests at home, use the Magoosh GMAT score calculator to figure out your GMAT score.


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